Thursday, April 18, 2013

Meet Your First Book - Greater Lansing Board Member: Jeremiah

Name:  Jeremiah Rivera 
Age:  30
Hometown:  Robstown, TX
Education:  B.A., Political Science, Texas A&M Corpus Christi University 
One of the most important things that we do at First Book - Greater Lansing is to go out to the community and raise awareness about illiteracy among disadvantaged children.

Additionally, we'd like you to learn a about each of the advisory board members.  They are working hard to break barriers and get books into the hands of the children that need them the most. 

The first person we'd like to introduce you is the board chair, Jeremiah Rivera.  Jeremiah was a Head Start child when he was younger, so he understands the importance of getting to own new books as a disadvantaged child.  While he was born and rasied in South Texas, he has made Lansing his home for the past five years.  Through volunteer work with Big Brothers Big Sisters, he saw the need for First Book in the greater Lansing area and became one of the founding advisory board members.  Below, Jeremiah talks about books and his role with First Book - Greater Lansing.

What was your favorite book growing up and why?

It isn't an understatement to say To Kill a Mockingbird is the most influential book that I read.  I try to reread it during the Christmas season and I think every teenager should have to read it in high school!  Atticus reminds me of my step dad, and the message of trying to walk in someone else’s shoes has been one has resonated with me since I read the book

What is your favorite genre to read?

As a kid, I loved to read comics.  I still remember how excited I was when my mom would take me to the pharmacy to buy me the latest Spider-man and Batman comics.  As an adult, I read quite a bit of nonfiction.  I’m currently reading Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s autobiography.

Why did you join First Book – Greater Lansing?

I was in Big Brothers Big Sisters for about a year when I found out about the number of unmatched kids in the program.  I enjoyed my mentoring role, but wanted to something broader for kids in need.  By chance, I came across an article about First Book on Twitter, saw that there wasn't a local advisory board in Lansing, and decided to reach out to some friends about starting a board

What's your role on the First Book - Greater Lansing Advisory Board?        

As chair of the advisory board, I do a little bit of everything.  I am the liaison between First Book in Washington DC and our board, help run First Book – Greater Lansing’s meetings, write our social media content, meet with people in the community/recipient groups, and help our board members whenever they need it.  I'm also usually the first point of contact for public e-mails and have been helping our treasurer with grants. 

What type of impact do you feel First Book can have in the area?

I find it heartbreaking that so many children in the area have a lack of access to books.  By working with schools, non-profits and people in the Greater Lansing area, we can give those children the chance to own and enjoy their own books. 

What has been your favorite part of volunteering with First Book – Greater Lansing so far?

For me, it has been getting to interact with the great people on our board and with interested people in the community.  We have two MSU students and it has been awesome watching them do a great job connecting First Book – Greater Lansing to various people on campus.  I know my favorite part in the future will be when we donate the first batch of books to kids in Greater Lansing though.

Tell us a something about yourself that isn't related to reading or First Book.

I really enjoy cooking, especially the art of knowing how to add or subtract ingredients from a recipe to make it better suited for my own tastebuds!  Also, I still quite haven't gotten the hang of seasons yet, especially winter.  In Texas, the only seasons I ever had growing up were hot and really hot!

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